Mutations of α spectrin (Sp) involving the Sp heterodimer self-association site (the α I domain of Sp) represent the most common group of membrane skeletal defects in hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) and a closely related disorder, hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP). HPP is characterized by extreme anisocytic microcytosis, a severe spectrin dimer self-association defect and spectrin deficiency. The conventional explanation for the different phenotypes is that HPP subjects are compound heterozygotes for an α sp defect that interferes with sp tetramer assembly and a second defect which results in decreased synthesis of functional α sp. In contrast, HE subjects have normal spectrin content and a less severe sp self-association defect. The clinical expression of HE/HPP is influenced by the inheritance of modifying factors such as the α Sp hypomorphic mutation, α LELY. α LELY is a low expression allele of the α Sp gene characterized by a C>G mutation in codon 1857 of exon 40 and a C>T-12 mutation in intron 45 that is responsible for partial skipping of exon 46, which is essential for the functional assembly of α/b sp dimers. Here we describe a family of northern European descent in which members had different erythrocyte morphology ranging from atypical HPP to HE to normal and a novel αSp mutation. Quantitation of RBC membrane proteins of the propositus with atypical non-microcytic HPP revealed 48% spectrin dimers (control 10%) due to a marked increase in the 74kD αI Sp peptide. There was only a slight decrease in the spectrin/band 3 ratio, which correlated with the normocytic morphology. There was also an abnormal α Sp peptide at 41kD suggesting presence of α LELY. Sequencing of his α Sp gene revealed heterozygosity for a novel mutation in exon 2, codon 34: CGG->CCG (Arg>Pro) and heterozygosity for α LELY. These mutations were also present in his brother and daughter who have HE, while another son, who had Arg34Pro, but not α LELY has repeatedly confirmed normal morphology (data in pedigree, figure 1). Ongoing clinical, α Sp peptide, DNA and quantitative Real Time PCR mRNA studies of extended family reveal a complex interaction of codon 34: G>C mutation with α LELY and different levels of transcripts of α Sp alleles. #equal contribution.

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Disclosure:Research Funding: RO1 grant: RO1HL50077-13 (Josef Prchal).

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