With this issue of Blood, the journal is adding a new scientific section, called Stem Cells in Hematology. The goal is to provide a focus for papers in the burgeoning area of embryonic stem cells and other stem cells whose subject matter is strongly related to hematology. This category may overlap other subject categories in Blood, such as Hematopoiesis, that may be appropriate for a given manuscript. During manuscript submission, authors may choose which of these categories they deem most appropriate. The journal is particularly interested in work on stem cells that provides definitive new biological or clinically relevant insights that pertain to hematology and blood diseases. Manuscripts that deal with stem cells but that are judged too far afield from a hematology focus will not be considered. All work with human embryonic stem cells should adhere to the guidelines recently put forth by the National Academy of Sciences, USA.1 

National Academies Press. Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309096537/html/. Accessed on August 17, 2005.
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