Approximately 60% of thalassemic patients can not apply to “gene terapy today” which the insertion of one allogenic HLA identical stem cell into the empty bone marrow as the vector of the normal gene for beta globin chain synthesis. We studied the use of the haploidentical mother as the donor of hematopoietic stem cells assuming that the immuno-tollerance estabilished during the pregnancy will help to bypass the HLA disparity and allow the hemopoietic allogeneic reconstitution in the thalassemic recipient of the transplant.We have employed a new preparative regimen for the transplant in nine thalassemic children aged 3 to 8 years ( median age 5 years ) using T cell depleted peripheral blood stem cell (PBSCTs) plus bone marrow (BM) stem cells.. All patients received hydroxyurea (OHU) 60 mg/kg and azathioprine 3 mg/kg from day −59 untill day−11, fludarabine (FLU) 30 mg/m 2 from day −17 to day −11, busulphan (BU) 14 mg/kg starting on day −10, and cyclophosphamide(CY) 200mg/kg, Thiotepa 10 mg/kg and ATG Sangstat 2.5 mg/kg, followed by a CD34 + t cell depleted (CliniMacs sistem), granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-csf) mobilized PBSC from their HLA haploidentical mother. The purity of CD34+ cells after MACS sorting was 98–99%, the average number of transplanted CD34+ cells was 15, 4 x 10 6/kg and the average number of infused T lymphocytes from BM was 1,8 x 10 5/Kg.The patients received cyclosporin after transplant for graft versus host disease( GVHD) prophilaxis. Four patients rejected the transplant and are alive with thalassemia: one patient received a different dose of CD3 without cyclosporine after transplant, two patients received a lower dose of CD34+, in the fourth patient the donor has been the haploidentical father instead than the mother. One of the nine patients, after the failure of the transplant from the mother, received a second transplant using purified CD34+ cells from the father, using the same preparative regimen and achieved a complete hematopoietic reconstitution. Six patients are alive disease free with a median follow up of 19 months (range 7–30). None of the six patients showed AGVHR. This preliminary study suggest that the transplantation of megadose of haploidentical CD34+ cell from the mother is a realistic therapeutic option for those thalassemic patients whithout genotipically or phenotipically HLA identical donor.

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