The authors report the case of a man, 29 years old, who presented initially a marked erythroblastosis (10,000 to 150,000 erythroblasts per mm.3) in the peripheral blood. Originally, a great hyperplasia of the red system in the bone marrow existed. Gradually this morbid growth of the "red" system was superseded by a proliferation of myeloblasts.

After an illness of about one year’s duration the patient died in a myeloblastic "crisis."

It is pointed out that owing to prolongation of life in this case through repeated blood transfusions and penicillin, the opportunity was presented to observe different hematologic syndromes in the same patient. With the common use of potent therapeutic procedures this situtation is now increasingly present. It may lead to the ultimate recognition that different hematologic syndromes are in reality different manifestations of the same disease.

The various diseases in which an erythroblastosis may occur are discussed.

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