In the article "Expression and Linkage of Genes for X-linked Hemophilias A and B in the Dog" by Brinkhous et al. (Blood, Vol. 41, No. 4, April 1973, pp. 577-585) the following items should read as given below:

Page 579, paragraph 3, Results

Once doubly heterozygous adult females were available, they were bred to determine the recombination frequency among the progeny. The sires were of the three phenotypes: normal, hemophilia A, and hemophilia B. The results from 15 litters, with 78 tested progeny, are shown in Table 2. The male:female ratio was 33:45 (x2 = 2.45; p > 0.10). From these matings, four male genotypes are possible, and all were observed. The crossover ratio was 15:18 in males, suggesting a deficiency of doubly hemophilic males (aXbY) from the XY · aXXb and aXY · aXXb matings.

Page 579, paragraph 5, Results

The ratio of crossovers to noncrossovers for all progeny, both male and females, of the double heterozygotes is 41:37. This is so close to the maximum 50% frequency of 39:39 that the linkage distance is too great to be measured.

Page 580, Table 2, line 4, Genotype of Noncrossover Females, should read aXXb.

Page 584, first paragraph at top of page, the last sentence is:

These data thus suggest that X-inactivation was indeed random, without respect to the paternal or maternal source of the X-chromosome.

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