Page 1695: The data sharing statement in the footnotes, “Data requests may be submitted to Celgene, a Bristol-Myers Squibb company, at and must include a description of the research proposal,” should read “Bristol Myers Squibb policy on data sharing may be found at”
Page 1699, Table 2: Under “CRS only (n = 47)∗” and “NE only (n = 14)∗,” the column heading “Grade ≥3” should read “Grade 3.”
Page 1700, Table 3: In the left column, under “CRS only” and “NE only,” “≥3” should read “3.”
Page 1701, Table 4: Under “CRS only (n = 47)∗” and “NE only (n = 14)∗,” the column heading “Grade ≥3” should read “Grade 3.”
Page 1702, Table 5: Under “CRS only (n = 47)∗” and “NE only (n = 14)∗,” the column heading “Grade ≥3” should read “Grade 3.” In the second row of the left column, "otal" should read "total."
Page 1703, Figure 2: The label for the fourth bar from the right, “CRS & NE Grade ≥3 (n = 5),” should read, “CRS or NE Grade ≥3 (n = 5).”