A two-day workshop on Anemias of Inflammation and Chronic Disease, sponsored by the Hematology Program of DKUHD/NIDDK at the National Institutes of Health, will be held at The Historic Inns of Annapolis Conference Center, Annapolis, MD, on May 1 and 2, 2006. This workshop will summarize current insights into the clinical presentation and pathogenesis of these anemias and will define unanswered questions and new opportunities for relevant basic and translational research. The program will consist of presentations by a panel of invited experts who will address:

  • The clinical features, diagnosis, epidemiology, and clinical impact of these anemias.

  • Pathogenetic mechanisms relating to disordered iron metabolism, disturbances in EPO production and response, and the action of inflammatory cytokines.

  • New directions and opportunities for molecular, clinical stratification, and treatment.

There will also be an opportunity for poster presentations and discussion by workshop participants. Individuals who wish to attend this workshop are invited to contact Mary Compton of The Scientific Consulting Group at 301-670-4990 or mcompton@scgcorp.com.