ASH and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will hold a clinical endpoints workshop on multiple myeloma on October 26 in Washington, DC. This one-day workshop will consist of a forum for public discussion of endpoints by experts in multiple myeloma. The workshop will be chaired by Kenneth C. Anderson, MD, from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Anderson will work closely with Ann T. Farrell, MD, from the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research in leading the workshop panel, along with other representatives from the FDA and experts in the field of multiple myeloma. James N. George, MD, immediate past president of ASH, will serve as the Society's liaison to the workshop.

This is the second workshop that ASH is co-presenting with the FDA with a focus on clinical endpoints for evaluating the efficacy of drugs for hematologic malignancies. As a result of the first, Workshop on Endpoints in Acute Leukemia, held in June 2005, a formal publication is being developed and workshop recommendations will be presented to the FDA's Oncology Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) later this year.

All interested parties are encouraged to attend. For further information, contact Stephanie Kart, ASH Government Relations and Practice Coordinator, at 202-776-0544 or