On page 22 in the Hematology 2012 American Society of Hematology Education Program, “/kg” was omitted from the standard regimen in the sixth sentence of the section titled “Treatment of acute attacks.” The sentence reads, “The standard regimen is 3-4 mg of heme in the form of lyophilized hematin (Panhematin, Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals), heme albumin (hematin reconstituted with human albumin), or heme arginate (Orphan Europe), infused daily for 4 days.3” The sentence should have read, “The standard regimen is 3-4 mg/kg of heme in the form of lyophilized hematin (Panhematin, Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals), heme albumin (hematin reconstituted with human albumin), or heme arginate (Orphan Europe), infused daily for 4 days.3