In 2006, the European Society of Hematology (EHA) and ASH introduced a groundbreaking new award, the EHA-ASH International Fellowship Award, with the intent of giving both clinical and laboratory-based researchers who are in training or early in their careers an opportunity to experience research in a different environment and to establish new collaborations. EHA and ASH recognized that many established scientists in both organizations have international collaborations and networks, and it is important to both organizations to provide this opportunity to individuals at the beginning of their careers. We are pleased to announce the 2007 EHA-ASH International Fellowship Award recipients: Serena Kimi Perna, MD, and Lapo Alinari, MD.

Dr. Perna is currently a resident in the Experimental Hematology Department at the San Raffaele Hospital in Italy. Dr. Perna obtained her medical degree from the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, where she also began her residency program, attending to both clinical duties and experimental research. It was through her residency that Dr. Perna found a strong commitment to the field of translational medicine for immunotherapy of hematologic malignancies. While pursuing her interest in this field, Dr. Perna became acquainted with host mentor Malcolm K. Brenner, MD, Director of the Center for Cell and Gene Therapy at the Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Perna feels that being given the opportunity to work under one of the pioneers in the field of gene therapy and T-cell therapy of lymphoproliferative disorders will greatly advance her training. In July, Dr. Perna will take her research project, "Chimeric T Cells for Therapy of Hodgkin Lymphoma," to the Baylor College of Medicine to develop under the guidance of Dr. Brenner.

Dr. Alinari comes from the Seràgnoli Institute of Hematology and Medical Oncology in Italy. Dr. Alinari earned his degree in medicine and surgery, graduating with honors, at the University of Florence. He began his residency in medical oncology at the University of Bologna, and then went on to a fellowship in hematology under home mentor Pier Luigi Zinzani, MD. During his fellowship, Dr. Alinari found a great interest in basic science and learning how to translate these observations into beneficial therapies to treat patients with cancer. Dr. Zinzani praises Dr. Alinari saying, "In my personal and professional interactions with him I have always been impressed by his impeccable integrity, strong work ethic, independent thinking, and his genuine interest in pursuing a career in translational lymphoma research." The opportunities for translational research in Italy are limited, which is why Dr. Alinari is excited to continue his research training in America. Dr. Alinari will be taking his research project, "Role of the Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 (PRMTS) in B-Cell Transformation," to The Ohio State University under the mentorship of John Byrd, MD, Director of Hematologic Malignancies.

ASH and EHA are pleased to support the research of these promising young investigators through this unique award.

Important Dates for the 2008 EHA-ASH International Fellowship Award

Letter of Intent Due September 4, 2008 
Full Proposal Deadline Novemeber 4, 2008 
Notifications of Awards January 2009 
Activation of Awards July 1, 2009 
Letter of Intent Due September 4, 2008 
Full Proposal Deadline Novemeber 4, 2008 
Notifications of Awards January 2009 
Activation of Awards July 1, 2009