Not since 1987 has there been a Match for the selection of fellows in adult hematology and/or oncology. In early 2004 the Committee on Training Programs for ASH and the ASCO Training Programs Committee proposed a return to the Match, beginning with the 2006 recruiting year. The proposal was endorsed by the respective executive committees of ASH and ASCO, setting the stage for a renewal of the Match for adult hematology, oncology, and combined training programs. The driving interest in establishing the Match was to broaden the pool of applicants to each participating program and to ensure that positions are presented to applicants in the most fair and equitable fashion.

The process began in the fall of 2005 with a concerted effort by a joint ASH/ASCO task force, led by Dr. Linda Burns (ASH) and Dr. William Gradishar (ASCO), to obtain commitments from at least 75 percent of hematology and oncology programs. The efforts of the task force were successful with commitments from 94 percent of all training programs by November 1, 2005, the deadline for enrollment in the Match.

Applicants and programs submitted their final rank order list by June 7, 2006. Match day was June 21. As a result of the Match, 93 percent of all adult hematology programs and 98 percent of adult oncology and combined programs filled on Match Day.

The immediate effect of the Match was to increase the number of applicants to each program. There were 205 applicants for the eight participating hematology programs, 490 applicants for the 15 oncology programs, and 872 applicants for the 114 combined programs. Information about the applicant pool is also notable. The demographics of the applicant pool showed that a minority of applicants graduated from medical schools in the United States (approximately 41 percent overall), and male applicants were more common than female applicants by a 2:1 margin.

ASH and ASCO conducted a post-Match survey and found that the overall satisfaction rate was high. Of the responders, 100 percent plan to participate in the 2007 Fellowship Match. The success of the Match was a result of the programs being kept well informed about the process, and the majority of those surveyed felt that the applicants were well informed as well. The staff from ASH, ASCO, and the National Resident Matching Program can be commended on their diligence and hard work in assuring a smooth transition back to the Match.