Zhong H, Bao W, Friedman D, Yazdanbakhsh K. Hemin controls T cell polarization in sickle cell alloimmunization. J Immunol. 2014;193:102-110.

Transfusions of red blood cells (RBCs), especially given as part of chronic transfusion programs, are increasingly used as disease-modifying therapy for patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). The increased use of chronic transfusions over the past decade has been driven by expanded indications, with the major contributor being primary stroke prevention in children who are identified through transcranial Doppler ultrasonography screening programs.  Also contributing to the increase in transfusions in patients with SCD is the wider availability of methods to limit and monitor transfusional iron loading, including oral iron chelators, automated erythrocytapheresis, and magnetic resonance imaging to quantify tissue iron. Despite these advances, alloimmunization to RBCs remains a vexing problem, even when extended antigen-matched products (e.g., Rh C-, D-, and E-matched units) are used. Depending on the degree of matching, clinically significant alloimmunization may occur in 10 to 30 percent of chronically transfused patients with SCD. Alloantibodies are problematic because they complicate RBC cross-matching, delay availability of blood products, increase the labor and cost of providing compatible units, shorten RBC survival, and potentially cause hemolytic transfusion reactions (that in some cases can be life-threatening). Occasionally, severe alloimmunization can preclude the use of chronic transfusions altogether, leaving patients with few therapeutic alternatives.

Proposed Model of Differential Hemin-Induced, HO-1–dependent, CD16+ Monocyte-Mediated T-cell Polarization that Might Govern Risk of Alloimmunization in Transfused Patients With SCD. In addition to its HO-1 dependent effects on CD4+ T cell subset polarization (detailed in the narrative), hemin treatment reduces IL-12 activity in stimulated monocytes from non-immunized SCD patients (left panel) but not in stimulated monocytes from alloimmunized SCD patient (right panel). As IL-12 contributes to the proinflammatory polarization state (low Treg/high Th1[Teff]) in SCD (right panel), this antagonistic effect on IL-12 activity further supports the hemin-induced anti-inflammatory polarization state (high Treg/low Th1) (left panel).Reprinted by permission from The Journal of Immunology. 2014, vol. 193, pp. 102-110. Copyright 2014. The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

Proposed Model of Differential Hemin-Induced, HO-1–dependent, CD16+ Monocyte-Mediated T-cell Polarization that Might Govern Risk of Alloimmunization in Transfused Patients With SCD. In addition to its HO-1 dependent effects on CD4+ T cell subset polarization (detailed in the narrative), hemin treatment reduces IL-12 activity in stimulated monocytes from non-immunized SCD patients (left panel) but not in stimulated monocytes from alloimmunized SCD patient (right panel). As IL-12 contributes to the proinflammatory polarization state (low Treg/high Th1[Teff]) in SCD (right panel), this antagonistic effect on IL-12 activity further supports the hemin-induced anti-inflammatory polarization state (high Treg/low Th1) (left panel).Reprinted by permission from The Journal of Immunology. 2014, vol. 193, pp. 102-110. Copyright 2014. The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

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Thus, a key clinical question remains: Why do some chronically transfused individuals with SCD become alloimmunized? Previously identified risk factors for alloimmunization include the degree of antigenic discordance between the recipient and donor, the extent of donor-recipient antigen matching of transfused products, the patient’s age at the time of first transfusion, and the overall transfusion burden. Recent work has also suggested that the genetic complexity of the Rh locus, specifically variant alleles that are not detected by serologic methods, result in alloimmunization despite extended antigen matching. The current study by Dr. Hui Zhong and colleagues from the New York Blood Center and the University of Pennsylvania investigated the role of the recipient’s immune response to hemin.  Senescent red cells that are phagocytosed by macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system undergo degradation.  During this process, the heme moiety that dissociates from globin is metabolized to hemin, the ferric state of heme with a chloride ligand, and subsequently converted to biliverdin by heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), in a reaction that releases iron and generates carbon monoxide. By studying T cells and monocytes from two groups of transfused SCD patients (alloimmunized and non-alloimmunized), Dr. Zhong and coworkers found that hemin induced differential polarization of CD4+T cell subsets.  This process was dependent on HO-1 in monocytes suggesting that a degradation product(s) of hemin mediates the T cell subset polarization. The difference in polarization was most evident using CD16+ monocyte-enriched fractions, where exposure to hemin increased Treg expansion and inhibited Th1 proliferation in non-alloimmunized patients with SCD, but had little effect on Treg/Th polarization in the alloimmunized group (Figure). Moreover, following exposure to hemin, both higher baseline levels of HO-1 in CD16+ monocytes and a more robust anti-inflammatory T-cell polarization profile was observed in samples from the non-alloimmunized SCD patients compared with those from the alloimmunized group (Figure). 

The work by Dr. Zhong and coworkers suggests that the immunoregulatory function of innate immune cells, particularly the responses of CD16+ monocytes to hemin, may be compromised in alloimmunized SCD individuals, rendering them unable to induce Treg expansion or inhibit Th1 development, whereas exposure to hemin induces anti-inflammatory responses in non-alloimmunized individuals. These findings are intriguing but because this was not a prospective, longitudinal study, we are left to wonder whether the differences in innate immune response precede the development of alloimmunization or whether alloimmunization itself modulates the immune response. We would also like to know which product of hemin degradation by HO-1 (e.g., CO, iron, biliverdin, bilirubin) mediates HO-1–dependent T cell polarization. Addressing these issues could lead to methods for identifying individuals at risk for alloimmunization and suggest potential therapeutic targets to prevent alloimmunization in patients with SCD who otherwise benefit from chronic transfusion programs.

Competing Interests

Dr. Quinn indicated no relevant conflicts of interest.