Figure 3.
Co-occurrence or mutual exclusivity of genes in both OM-CMML and CMML. The plot shows, for the whole group of OM-CMML and CMML, all genes found to be altered in our cohort ordered by the number of mutations identified. In those genes that were frequently found to be comutated in the same patient, the interactions are depicted in lime green. In genes that were observed to be mutually exclusive and thus not frequently altered in the same patient, the interactions are depicted in brown. *P < .05; •P < .1.

Co-occurrence or mutual exclusivity of genes in both OM-CMML and CMML. The plot shows, for the whole group of OM-CMML and CMML, all genes found to be altered in our cohort ordered by the number of mutations identified. In those genes that were frequently found to be comutated in the same patient, the interactions are depicted in lime green. In genes that were observed to be mutually exclusive and thus not frequently altered in the same patient, the interactions are depicted in brown. *P < .05; P < .1.

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