Figure 5.
P falciparum infection induces a delay in erythroid maturation and oxidative stress in erythroblasts. (A) Percentage of reticulocytes in uninfected erythroblast culture (uEb) or infected erythroblast culture (iEb) was evaluated by flow cytometry at 8 dpi. (B) Percentage of reticulocytes in the population of noninfected cells (population 1) or Pfs16-GFP–infected cells (population 2) within an infected erythroblast culture at 8 dpi. (C) Percentage of oxidized erythroblasts was evaluated by flow cytometry with DHE staining in the population of uninfected cells (Population 1) or Pfs16-GFP–infected cells (Population 2) in an infected erythroblast culture at 2 dpi. (D-E) Percentage of reticulocytes in uninfected erythroblast culture at 8 days after addition of conditioned medium obtained with a culture of infected erythroblasts (iEbCM, D), uninfected erythroblasts (uEbCM, D), infected erythrocytes (iECM, E), uninfected erythrocytes (uECM, E), or control medium (Control). (F) Percentage of reticulocytes in erythroblast culture at 8 days after addition of iECM obtained with parasite cultures at 0.5%, 2%, or 20% parasitemia or with control medium. Circles indicate the number of independent experiments, and error bars show the standard error of the mean. ****P < .0001, **P < .01, *P < .05. ns, nonsignificant difference.

P falciparum infection induces a delay in erythroid maturation and oxidative stress in erythroblasts. (A) Percentage of reticulocytes in uninfected erythroblast culture (uEb) or infected erythroblast culture (iEb) was evaluated by flow cytometry at 8 dpi. (B) Percentage of reticulocytes in the population of noninfected cells (population 1) or Pfs16-GFP–infected cells (population 2) within an infected erythroblast culture at 8 dpi. (C) Percentage of oxidized erythroblasts was evaluated by flow cytometry with DHE staining in the population of uninfected cells (Population 1) or Pfs16-GFP–infected cells (Population 2) in an infected erythroblast culture at 2 dpi. (D-E) Percentage of reticulocytes in uninfected erythroblast culture at 8 days after addition of conditioned medium obtained with a culture of infected erythroblasts (iEbCM, D), uninfected erythroblasts (uEbCM, D), infected erythrocytes (iECM, E), uninfected erythrocytes (uECM, E), or control medium (Control). (F) Percentage of reticulocytes in erythroblast culture at 8 days after addition of iECM obtained with parasite cultures at 0.5%, 2%, or 20% parasitemia or with control medium. Circles indicate the number of independent experiments, and error bars show the standard error of the mean. ****P < .0001, **P < .01, *P < .05. ns, nonsignificant difference.

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