Figure 6.
Aldh3a2 depletion alters lipid metabolism in AML cells. (A) Fatty acid methyl ester analysis in L-GMPs and Aldh3a2-depleted (Aldh3a2-sh-1) L-GMPs. (B) Frequency of live Aldh3a2-control and -mutant LSPCs 3 days after culture and treatment with vehicle (EtOH) or varying concentrations of oleic acid. (C-G) Lipidomic analysis of Aldh3a2-control and -mutant leukemia cells, showing ratios (mutant/control) of major species of lipids. Linoleic acid (18:2)–containing phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, cardiolipin, and phosphatidic acid species were reduced, whereas several lysophospholipids (lacking 1 fatty acid side chain after oxidation), mainly those in the lysophosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidylcholine classes, were increased. ***P < .001. nd, not determined.

Aldh3a2 depletion alters lipid metabolism in AML cells. (A) Fatty acid methyl ester analysis in L-GMPs and Aldh3a2-depleted (Aldh3a2-sh-1) L-GMPs. (B) Frequency of live Aldh3a2-control and -mutant LSPCs 3 days after culture and treatment with vehicle (EtOH) or varying concentrations of oleic acid. (C-G) Lipidomic analysis of Aldh3a2-control and -mutant leukemia cells, showing ratios (mutant/control) of major species of lipids. Linoleic acid (18:2)–containing phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, cardiolipin, and phosphatidic acid species were reduced, whereas several lysophospholipids (lacking 1 fatty acid side chain after oxidation), mainly those in the lysophosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidylcholine classes, were increased. ***P < .001. nd, not determined.

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