Figure 3.
Clinical course of AHA in G6PD-deficient persons. (A) Attack of severe favism in a 5-year-old Sardinian boy (courtesy of Gianfranco Meloni). (B) Blood smears on day 1 of patients with favism: (i) May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining, original magnification ×1000; (ii) Heinz body supravital staining, original magnification ×1000. (C) Time course of Hb levels in a large cohort of children with P falciparum malaria who received antimalarial treatment with a drug combination (Lapdap) containing dapsone. Eleven percent of G6PD-deficient hemizygous boys and 0.5% of heterozygous girls required blood transfusion. All of these children were in clinical trials under appropriate medical supervision; there were no deaths (there might have been outside of clinical trials). B, bite cell; nc, nucleated red cell; S, spherocyte. Modified from (A) Luzzatto and Arese,32 (B) Luzzatto and Poggi,63 and (C) Pamba et al33 with permission.

Clinical course of AHA in G6PD-deficient persons. (A) Attack of severe favism in a 5-year-old Sardinian boy (courtesy of Gianfranco Meloni). (B) Blood smears on day 1 of patients with favism: (i) May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining, original magnification ×1000; (ii) Heinz body supravital staining, original magnification ×1000. (C) Time course of Hb levels in a large cohort of children with P falciparum malaria who received antimalarial treatment with a drug combination (Lapdap) containing dapsone. Eleven percent of G6PD-deficient hemizygous boys and 0.5% of heterozygous girls required blood transfusion. All of these children were in clinical trials under appropriate medical supervision; there were no deaths (there might have been outside of clinical trials). B, bite cell; nc, nucleated red cell; S, spherocyte. Modified from (A) Luzzatto and Arese,32  (B) Luzzatto and Poggi,63  and (C) Pamba et al33  with permission.

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