Figure 4.
Oxidative burst in neutrophils from HH patients is positively correlated with plasma transferrin saturation. (A) Representative experiment of the oxidative burst assay at resting state or upon stimulation with fMLF, OZ, or PMA on neutrophils isolated from HH patients (red) and healthy donors (blue). (B) RLUmax HH patient:RLUmax healthy donor ratio for each independent experiment comparing each patient with their appropriate control. (C) Correlations between plasma transferrin saturation and area under the curve (AUC) upon stimulation with fMLF, OZ, or PMA for each patient (n = 21). (D) Correlations between plasma ferritin level and area under the curve for the same previous stimulating agents for each patient. *P < .05.

Oxidative burst in neutrophils from HH patients is positively correlated with plasma transferrin saturation. (A) Representative experiment of the oxidative burst assay at resting state or upon stimulation with fMLF, OZ, or PMA on neutrophils isolated from HH patients (red) and healthy donors (blue). (B) RLUmax HH patient:RLUmax healthy donor ratio for each independent experiment comparing each patient with their appropriate control. (C) Correlations between plasma transferrin saturation and area under the curve (AUC) upon stimulation with fMLF, OZ, or PMA for each patient (n = 21). (D) Correlations between plasma ferritin level and area under the curve for the same previous stimulating agents for each patient. *P < .05.

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