Figure 4.
Prediction models can identify blood groups by lectin microarray. (A) Prediction map of blood groups based on lectin arrays. Membrane-extracted RBC glycoproteins from 20 donors of each blood group were plotted on a prediction map where shapes represent individuals and the shaded background the 95% confidence interval. Individuals were displayed by their serologic blood group (unfilled shapes). Individuals that failed to match their serological blood group are indicated as filled shapes. (B) Receiver operating characteristic curves of the membrane-extracted RBC glycoproteins from 20 donors of each blood group. The accuracy for each blood group is shown in the inset. (C) The predictive model used only significant lectins in combination to distinguish between blood groups. (D) The y-axis only required the lectin EEL to classify presence or absence of the group B antigen.

Prediction models can identify blood groups by lectin microarray. (A) Prediction map of blood groups based on lectin arrays. Membrane-extracted RBC glycoproteins from 20 donors of each blood group were plotted on a prediction map where shapes represent individuals and the shaded background the 95% confidence interval. Individuals were displayed by their serologic blood group (unfilled shapes). Individuals that failed to match their serological blood group are indicated as filled shapes. (B) Receiver operating characteristic curves of the membrane-extracted RBC glycoproteins from 20 donors of each blood group. The accuracy for each blood group is shown in the inset. (C) The predictive model used only significant lectins in combination to distinguish between blood groups. (D) The y-axis only required the lectin EEL to classify presence or absence of the group B antigen.

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