Figure 3.
Study of HF and ID in 459 patients. Anker et al38 studied 459 patients with HF and ID. Patients were randomly assigned to be treated with 200 mg of IV ferric carboxymaltose or placebo. The primary end points displayed in this figure both demonstrated significant improvement with IV iron treatment. NYHA, New York Heart Association; Wk, week. From the New England Journal of Medicine, Anker SD et al, Ferric carboxymaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency, volume 361, pages 2436-2448.38 Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.

Study of HF and ID in 459 patients. Anker et al38  studied 459 patients with HF and ID. Patients were randomly assigned to be treated with 200 mg of IV ferric carboxymaltose or placebo. The primary end points displayed in this figure both demonstrated significant improvement with IV iron treatment. NYHA, New York Heart Association; Wk, week. From the New England Journal of Medicine, Anker SD et al, Ferric carboxymaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency, volume 361, pages 2436-2448.38  Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.

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