Figure 5.
Integrin α6 deletion in murine BCR-ABL1+ (p210) B-ALL cells affects Src signaling. (A) α6fl/fl BCR-ABL1+ (p210) x CreERT2 (Cre) and x EmptyERT2 (Emy) cells treated with tamoxifen (TAM) for 24 hours followed by western blot analysis using an anti-phosphotyrosine Ab (clone 4G10). One of 3 experiments is shown. (B) Phosphotyrosine proteomics analysis was performed on murine cells treated for 16 hours or 3 days with tamoxifen. The fold changes (FCs) in the selected phosphotyrosine proteins were plotted. One experiment is shown.

Integrin α6 deletion in murine BCR-ABL1+ (p210) B-ALL cells affects Src signaling. (A) α6fl/fl BCR-ABL1+ (p210) x CreERT2 (Cre) and x EmptyERT2 (Emy) cells treated with tamoxifen (TAM) for 24 hours followed by western blot analysis using an anti-phosphotyrosine Ab (clone 4G10). One of 3 experiments is shown. (B) Phosphotyrosine proteomics analysis was performed on murine cells treated for 16 hours or 3 days with tamoxifen. The fold changes (FCs) in the selected phosphotyrosine proteins were plotted. One experiment is shown.

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