Accelerated platelet generation leads to shorter duration of aspirin effect and aspirin insensitivity in ET. In healthy individuals, suppression of serum TXB2 levels (a marker of platelet activation) in response to a single dose of aspirin lasts for ∼3 days. However, platelet generation is increased in ET, which results in accelerated renewal of COX-1, the target for aspirin. Thus TXB2 levels recover more rapidly. This effect can be overcome by shortening the dosing interval to once every 12 hours. bid, twice per day; qd, once per day.

Accelerated platelet generation leads to shorter duration of aspirin effect and aspirin insensitivity in ET. In healthy individuals, suppression of serum TXB2 levels (a marker of platelet activation) in response to a single dose of aspirin lasts for ∼3 days. However, platelet generation is increased in ET, which results in accelerated renewal of COX-1, the target for aspirin. Thus TXB2 levels recover more rapidly. This effect can be overcome by shortening the dosing interval to once every 12 hours. bid, twice per day; qd, once per day.

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