Figure 2.
Landmark analysis at 2 years. (A) Treatment-free remission probabilities for the 66 patients in TFR1 for >2 years. (B) Treatment-free remission probabilities for the patients in TFR1 for >2 years and with a stable MR4.5 (BCR-ABL1 ≤0.0032%) (bold line) and treatment-free remission probabilities for the patients in TFR1 for >2 years and with an unstable molecular remission (dashed line).

Landmark analysis at 2 years. (A) Treatment-free remission probabilities for the 66 patients in TFR1 for >2 years. (B) Treatment-free remission probabilities for the patients in TFR1 for >2 years and with a stable MR4.5 (BCR-ABL1 ≤0.0032%) (bold line) and treatment-free remission probabilities for the patients in TFR1 for >2 years and with an unstable molecular remission (dashed line).

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