Figure 3.
Figure 3. Ski is critically required for HSC fitness in the absence of transplantation. (A) Representative fluorescence-activated cell sorter plots of E14.5 FL cells gated on live, single lineage– cells. All scales are log10. LSK: lineage–Sca-1+c-Kit+ (supplemental Figure 2C-D). (B) For HSC transplantation controls, E14.5 FL cells were transplanted in the absence of competitors (5-6 mice per group), (C) for competitive Ski−/− HSC transplantation, E14.5 FL cells were transplanted at a 1:1 ratio to competitors (6 mice per group), (D) for dosage dependency, E14.5 FL cells were transplanted at a 4:1 ratio to competitors (6 mice per group), and (E) for competitive Skil−/− HSC transplantation, adult whole Skil−/− bone marrow cells were transplanted at a 1:1 ratio to competitors (6 mice per group), and recipients in panels B-E were analyzed for the percentage of donor contribution to peripheral blood chimerism and total number of SLAM HSCs. (F) Southern blot of Ski+/+, Ski+/− or Ski−/− ES cells used in blastocyst complementation assays confirms genotype. (G) A representative glucose phosphate isomerase assay used to quantify chimerism in blastocyst complementation assays. (H) A heatmap representation of tissue-specific chimerism in progeny from a blastocyst complementation assay with C57BL/6 mouse strain blastocysts complemented with 1 Ski+/+, 1 Ski+/−, or 2 independent Ski−/− ES cell clones derived from a 129P3 mouse (5 mice per clone). (B-E) data are displayed as mean ± SEM. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001; ****P < .0001.

Ski is critically required for HSC fitness in the absence of transplantation. (A) Representative fluorescence-activated cell sorter plots of E14.5 FL cells gated on live, single lineage cells. All scales are log10. LSK: lineageSca-1+c-Kit+ (supplemental Figure 2C-D). (B) For HSC transplantation controls, E14.5 FL cells were transplanted in the absence of competitors (5-6 mice per group), (C) for competitive Ski−/− HSC transplantation, E14.5 FL cells were transplanted at a 1:1 ratio to competitors (6 mice per group), (D) for dosage dependency, E14.5 FL cells were transplanted at a 4:1 ratio to competitors (6 mice per group), and (E) for competitive Skil−/− HSC transplantation, adult whole Skil−/− bone marrow cells were transplanted at a 1:1 ratio to competitors (6 mice per group), and recipients in panels B-E were analyzed for the percentage of donor contribution to peripheral blood chimerism and total number of SLAM HSCs. (F) Southern blot of Ski+/+, Ski+/− or Ski−/− ES cells used in blastocyst complementation assays confirms genotype. (G) A representative glucose phosphate isomerase assay used to quantify chimerism in blastocyst complementation assays. (H) A heatmap representation of tissue-specific chimerism in progeny from a blastocyst complementation assay with C57BL/6 mouse strain blastocysts complemented with 1 Ski+/+, 1 Ski+/−, or 2 independent Ski−/− ES cell clones derived from a 129P3 mouse (5 mice per clone). (B-E) data are displayed as mean ± SEM. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001; ****P < .0001.

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