Figure 5.
Figure 5. Network of protein interactions in thrombosis and hemostasis. Network built in Cytoscape for 275 bait proteins, corresponding to mouse genes with modifying effect on arterial thrombosis of hemostasis. The final network has 267 core genes (bait nodes), 2679 new nodes, connected by 19721 interactions (edges). Of the edges, 15 419 are derived from Reactome, 4299 from Intact, and 3 from manual assignment. Size of nodes is set as 1 per default, or as CP value. (A) Network visualization with color-coded bait nodes: proteins modifying thrombosis (blue) or thrombosis plus bleeding (red). Names are listed of 40 mouse genes with highest CP values. (B) Network visualization with color-coded proteins linked to rare Mendelian disorders of human platelet or coagulant function (green, n = 54); proteins linked to high-association genes in GWAS of platelet count and volume (orange, n = 21). (C) Network visualization with additional purple-coded proteins linked to a recent GWAS of stroke (n = 11) and coronary artery disease (n = 40). (D) Network visualization emphasizing 50 novel nodes with largest number of edges (≥25, yellow). Attribute lists are given in supplemental Data File 6. The full network, containing gene-expression levels in human megakaryocytes33 and other annotation features, is available in Cytoscape format upon request. For enlarged panels, see supplemental Figure 3.

Network of protein interactions in thrombosis and hemostasis. Network built in Cytoscape for 275 bait proteins, corresponding to mouse genes with modifying effect on arterial thrombosis of hemostasis. The final network has 267 core genes (bait nodes), 2679 new nodes, connected by 19721 interactions (edges). Of the edges, 15 419 are derived from Reactome, 4299 from Intact, and 3 from manual assignment. Size of nodes is set as 1 per default, or as CP value. (A) Network visualization with color-coded bait nodes: proteins modifying thrombosis (blue) or thrombosis plus bleeding (red). Names are listed of 40 mouse genes with highest CP values. (B) Network visualization with color-coded proteins linked to rare Mendelian disorders of human platelet or coagulant function (green, n = 54); proteins linked to high-association genes in GWAS of platelet count and volume (orange, n = 21). (C) Network visualization with additional purple-coded proteins linked to a recent GWAS of stroke (n = 11) and coronary artery disease (n = 40). (D) Network visualization emphasizing 50 novel nodes with largest number of edges (≥25, yellow). Attribute lists are given in supplemental Data File 6. The full network, containing gene-expression levels in human megakaryocytes33  and other annotation features, is available in Cytoscape format upon request. For enlarged panels, see supplemental Figure 3.

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