Figure 3.
Figure 3. Generation of Uchl1TgC90A mice. (A) Schematic of the Uchl1C90A transgene. Note: beyond the C90A mutation, the constructs and its activation are identical to the wild-type transgene.10 (B) Expression of UCH-L1C90A in a series of tissues from the indicated transgenic mice. Results are representative of 3 independent animals each. (C) Transgene expression was determined by immunoblot in purified B cells from mice of the indicated genotypes. (D) Analysis of mTOR-AKT signaling in purified B cells from mice of the indicated genotypes (n = 3 each). (E-F) Quantitation of the changes seen in panel D. The intensities of the total and phosphorylated proteins were determined with ImageJ. The graphs represent the mean ± standard error of the mean for the ratio of phosphor/total normalized to wild-type. NS, not significant (P < .05).

Generation of Uchl1TgC90Amice. (A) Schematic of the Uchl1C90A transgene. Note: beyond the C90A mutation, the constructs and its activation are identical to the wild-type transgene.10  (B) Expression of UCH-L1C90A in a series of tissues from the indicated transgenic mice. Results are representative of 3 independent animals each. (C) Transgene expression was determined by immunoblot in purified B cells from mice of the indicated genotypes. (D) Analysis of mTOR-AKT signaling in purified B cells from mice of the indicated genotypes (n = 3 each). (E-F) Quantitation of the changes seen in panel D. The intensities of the total and phosphorylated proteins were determined with ImageJ. The graphs represent the mean ± standard error of the mean for the ratio of phosphor/total normalized to wild-type. NS, not significant (P < .05).

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