Figure 1.
Dependence of primary MM samples on antiapoptotic BCL2 molecules. (A) Selectivity of BH3 mimetics for the respective antiapoptotic protein. The binding affinity of each compound for BCL2 antiapoptotic proteins was previously described.8,36,37 (B) Data clustering as assessed by k-means is displayed for BCL2, MCL1, and BCLXL BH3 mimetics (n = 1000 initiations of algorithm); values indicate Pearson correlation coefficients for the considered doses of the respective dependency group. Patient dependencies were defined as red, high; orange, intermediate; green, not dependent, and detailed in Table 1.

Dependence of primary MM samples on antiapoptotic BCL2 molecules. (A) Selectivity of BH3 mimetics for the respective antiapoptotic protein. The binding affinity of each compound for BCL2 antiapoptotic proteins was previously described.8,36,37  (B) Data clustering as assessed by k-means is displayed for BCL2, MCL1, and BCLXL BH3 mimetics (n = 1000 initiations of algorithm); values indicate Pearson correlation coefficients for the considered doses of the respective dependency group. Patient dependencies were defined as red, high; orange, intermediate; green, not dependent, and detailed in Table 1.

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