Figure 5.
Characterization of revertant CD8+T cells. (A) Histograms showing the presence of a revertant ARPC1B+ population in CD4+ and CD8+ compartments in freshly isolated PBMCs of P1 (red line) as compared with HC (dashed line). Blue line: negative control. Box represents the percentage of ARPC1B+ cells in naïve, central memory (CM), TSCM (CD3+CD8+CD45RA+CD62L+CD95+), EM (CD3+CD8+CD45RA−CD62L−), and TEMRA (CD3+CD8+CD45RA+CD62L−) gated on CD8+ T cells. P1, black line; HC, dashed line; negative control, blue line. (B) Determination of Vβ in gated CD3+CD8+ARPC1B+ T cells in P1 (red bars) and P6 (blue bars) as compared with HC (gray bars, n = 3). Mean ± SD. Arrows indicate relative expansion of Vβ.

Characterization of revertant CD8+T cells. (A) Histograms showing the presence of a revertant ARPC1B+ population in CD4+ and CD8+ compartments in freshly isolated PBMCs of P1 (red line) as compared with HC (dashed line). Blue line: negative control. Box represents the percentage of ARPC1B+ cells in naïve, central memory (CM), TSCM (CD3+CD8+CD45RA+CD62L+CD95+), EM (CD3+CD8+CD45RACD62L), and TEMRA (CD3+CD8+CD45RA+CD62L) gated on CD8+ T cells. P1, black line; HC, dashed line; negative control, blue line. (B) Determination of Vβ in gated CD3+CD8+ARPC1B+ T cells in P1 (red bars) and P6 (blue bars) as compared with HC (gray bars, n = 3). Mean ± SD. Arrows indicate relative expansion of Vβ.

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