Figure 1.
Incidence and associations of genetic parameters. (A) Distribution of markers (rows) in patients (columns) with overall incidence ordered by genetic parameters. (B) Distribution of gene mutations in the IGHV mutation status subgroups. Y axes provides full number of mutated/unmutated IGHV status per subgroup. X axes comprise cytogenetics parameters sorted according to the hierarchical model and mutated candidate genes sorted by incidence. (C) Genetic markers show significant (P < .05) co-occurrence (green lines) and mutual exclusivity (red lines) and cluster in a dichotomy of del(13q)/del(11q) and +12 and adjacent gene mutations. (D) Circos plot of the co-occurrence of gene mutations with chromosomal aberrations. Lengths of arcs correspond to total incidences of respective markers, and the width of each ribbon corresponds to the proportion of co-occurrence with a respective second marker.

Incidence and associations of genetic parameters. (A) Distribution of markers (rows) in patients (columns) with overall incidence ordered by genetic parameters. (B) Distribution of gene mutations in the IGHV mutation status subgroups. Y axes provides full number of mutated/unmutated IGHV status per subgroup. X axes comprise cytogenetics parameters sorted according to the hierarchical model and mutated candidate genes sorted by incidence. (C) Genetic markers show significant (P < .05) co-occurrence (green lines) and mutual exclusivity (red lines) and cluster in a dichotomy of del(13q)/del(11q) and +12 and adjacent gene mutations. (D) Circos plot of the co-occurrence of gene mutations with chromosomal aberrations. Lengths of arcs correspond to total incidences of respective markers, and the width of each ribbon corresponds to the proportion of co-occurrence with a respective second marker.

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