Figure 1.
Unsupervised clustering of CN-AML patients based on expression of circRNAs. (A) Heatmap of circRNA expression in the 3 distinct circRNA expression–based clusters. Red indicates high and blue low expression. (B) Distribution of prognostic molecular features (ie, gene mutations, gene expression, and miR expression) across the 3 distinct circRNA expression–based clusters of younger adult patients with CN-AML.

Unsupervised clustering of CN-AML patients based on expression of circRNAs. (A) Heatmap of circRNA expression in the 3 distinct circRNA expression–based clusters. Red indicates high and blue low expression. (B) Distribution of prognostic molecular features (ie, gene mutations, gene expression, and miR expression) across the 3 distinct circRNA expression–based clusters of younger adult patients with CN-AML.

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