Figure 4.
Forest plot for univariable model of DFS. Impact of pretreatment characteristics on DFS is shown. HR is depicted on the x-axis, and each prognostic variable is listed on the y-axis. Estimates to the right of 1.0 indicate worse DFS. Measurement for initial WBC was found to be prognostic for DFS only in B-cell ALL patients. For multivariable models, variables with P < .2 from the univariable models were included; only obesity (BMI >30 kg/m2; HR, 1.82; P = .04) and aberrant CRLF2 expression (HR, 2.84; P < .001) were associated with significantly worse DFS. CG, cytogenetics.

Forest plot for univariable model of DFS. Impact of pretreatment characteristics on DFS is shown. HR is depicted on the x-axis, and each prognostic variable is listed on the y-axis. Estimates to the right of 1.0 indicate worse DFS. Measurement for initial WBC was found to be prognostic for DFS only in B-cell ALL patients. For multivariable models, variables with P < .2 from the univariable models were included; only obesity (BMI >30 kg/m2; HR, 1.82; P = .04) and aberrant CRLF2 expression (HR, 2.84; P < .001) were associated with significantly worse DFS. CG, cytogenetics.

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