Figure 5
Figure 5. Identification of lncRNAs with PAX5-dependent expression in B-ALL cells. (A) Venn diagram depicting overlap between lncRNAs with sufficient read coverage to be included in this analysis (black), lncRNAs differentially expressed (DE) between B-ALL cells with and without doxycycline-induced Pax5 expression (red), and PAX5 transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) annotated in either pro-B cells or mature B cells (blue) that could not be associated with a protein-coding gene. A subset of lncRNAs is both DE and has PAX5 bound within the gene body or promoter region (peach). (B) Volcano plot depicting the fold-change in lncRNA expression between B-ALL cells vs B-ALL cells with doxycycline-induced Pax5 expression (see supplemental Table 7) plotted against the probability that this difference had occurred by chance (q value). Each dot represents a single lncRNA and is colored black unless it was DE (q < .05) and either near or not near a PAX5 binding site (peach or red, respectively). (C) Genome plot showing PAX5-bound eRNA loci (LNCGme00432, LNCGme00344, and LNCGme00345), together with their proximal protein-coding gene, the zinc finger protein gene B-cell lymphoma 11a (Bcl11a). All are DE in B-ALL cells upon induction of Pax5 expression. PAX5 binding sites in pro-B cells are indicated in peach. The other annotated lncRNA (LNCGme00346) is also an eRNA that is DE on induction of Pax5 expression, but it shows no evidence of PAX5 binding.

Identification of lncRNAs with PAX5-dependent expression in B-ALL cells. (A) Venn diagram depicting overlap between lncRNAs with sufficient read coverage to be included in this analysis (black), lncRNAs differentially expressed (DE) between B-ALL cells with and without doxycycline-induced Pax5 expression (red), and PAX5 transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) annotated in either pro-B cells or mature B cells (blue) that could not be associated with a protein-coding gene. A subset of lncRNAs is both DE and has PAX5 bound within the gene body or promoter region (peach). (B) Volcano plot depicting the fold-change in lncRNA expression between B-ALL cells vs B-ALL cells with doxycycline-induced Pax5 expression (see supplemental Table 7) plotted against the probability that this difference had occurred by chance (q value). Each dot represents a single lncRNA and is colored black unless it was DE (q < .05) and either near or not near a PAX5 binding site (peach or red, respectively). (C) Genome plot showing PAX5-bound eRNA loci (LNCGme00432, LNCGme00344, and LNCGme00345), together with their proximal protein-coding gene, the zinc finger protein gene B-cell lymphoma 11a (Bcl11a). All are DE in B-ALL cells upon induction of Pax5 expression. PAX5 binding sites in pro-B cells are indicated in peach. The other annotated lncRNA (LNCGme00346) is also an eRNA that is DE on induction of Pax5 expression, but it shows no evidence of PAX5 binding.

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