Figure 1.
Clinicopathologic features of SF3B1K666N MDS. (A) The distribution of publicly available mutations in exons 14 and 15 of SF3B1 for MDS-RS, MDS-EB, and AML show enrichment of SF3B1K666N with increasing disease severity. Notably, E622D is absent in MDS-EB and AML, in contrast to MDS-RS. (B) In our cohorts, compared with patients with other SF3B1 mutations, SF3B1K666N patients exhibited higher IPSS-R scores. (C) SF3B1K666N patients had similar white blood cells counts (WBC; left panel), slightly higher hemoglobin levels (Hb; center panel), and lower platelets (PLTs; right panel). (D) SF3B1K666N patients had decreased RSs. (E) Among all SF3B1MUT patients, survival was shorter in those with SF3B1K666N (left panel). Survival was equally poor in both groups with higher IPSS-R MDS (middle panel), but lower IPSS-R SF3B1K666N patients had shorter survival (right panel). Univariate (Mantel-Cox) and multivariate (Cox regression including IPSS-R categories) P values are shown. *P < .05, ****P < .0001, 2-tailed Student t test. ***P < .001, χ2 test.

Clinicopathologic features of SF3B1K666N MDS. (A) The distribution of publicly available mutations in exons 14 and 15 of SF3B1 for MDS-RS, MDS-EB, and AML show enrichment of SF3B1K666N with increasing disease severity. Notably, E622D is absent in MDS-EB and AML, in contrast to MDS-RS. (B) In our cohorts, compared with patients with other SF3B1 mutations, SF3B1K666N patients exhibited higher IPSS-R scores. (C) SF3B1K666N patients had similar white blood cells counts (WBC; left panel), slightly higher hemoglobin levels (Hb; center panel), and lower platelets (PLTs; right panel). (D) SF3B1K666N patients had decreased RSs. (E) Among all SF3B1MUT patients, survival was shorter in those with SF3B1K666N (left panel). Survival was equally poor in both groups with higher IPSS-R MDS (middle panel), but lower IPSS-R SF3B1K666N patients had shorter survival (right panel). Univariate (Mantel-Cox) and multivariate (Cox regression including IPSS-R categories) P values are shown. *P < .05, ****P < .0001, 2-tailed Student t test. ***P < .001, χ2 test.

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