Figure 3.
Flow cytometric analysis of aberrant CD7 expression within the stem cell subset. The CD34+CD38– stem cells were identified within the CD45lowSSClowCD14– cells (left panel), and the presence (A) or absence (B) of aberrant CD7+ cells were evaluated by using a bivariate plot of SSC-A vs CD7 (middle panel). The right panel displays backgating of CD7+ stem cells (black dots) into the CD45lowSSClowCD14–CD34+CD38- population (gray). (C) Absolute number of CD34+CD38– CD7+ cells according to case-control status. The dashed line denotes number of CD34+CD38– CD7+ cells required for aberrant CD7 expression. Five cells or more were regarded as a positive lower limit. Patients with <5 CD34+CD38– CD7+ cells are not shown as dots in the figure (case subjects, n = 20; control subjects, n = 33). The Pearson χ2 test was used to calculate P values, with the positive lower limit of 5 cells being the cutoff for yes/no for aberrant CD7 expression.

Flow cytometric analysis of aberrant CD7 expression within the stem cell subset. The CD34+CD38 stem cells were identified within the CD45lowSSClowCD14 cells (left panel), and the presence (A) or absence (B) of aberrant CD7+ cells were evaluated by using a bivariate plot of SSC-A vs CD7 (middle panel). The right panel displays backgating of CD7+ stem cells (black dots) into the CD45lowSSClowCD14CD34+CD38- population (gray). (C) Absolute number of CD34+CD38 CD7+ cells according to case-control status. The dashed line denotes number of CD34+CD38 CD7+ cells required for aberrant CD7 expression. Five cells or more were regarded as a positive lower limit. Patients with <5 CD34+CD38 CD7+ cells are not shown as dots in the figure (case subjects, n = 20; control subjects, n = 33). The Pearson χ2 test was used to calculate P values, with the positive lower limit of 5 cells being the cutoff for yes/no for aberrant CD7 expression.

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