Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Regression of AIDS-KS tumor growth by intravenous injection of IL-13 toxin. / (A) After implanting KS Y-1 tumors (approximately 20 mg) at day 0, the xenografts received 3 injections of IL-13 toxin in 200 μL in the tail vein on day 4, 6, and 8. In the 100 μg/kg dose group, all 6 mice died by day 11. (B) The KS-imm xenografts were given 5 daily injections of 50 μg/kg of IL-13 toxin on day 3 through 7. The arrows indicate the days of injections.

Regression of AIDS-KS tumor growth by intravenous injection of IL-13 toxin.

(A) After implanting KS Y-1 tumors (approximately 20 mg) at day 0, the xenografts received 3 injections of IL-13 toxin in 200 μL in the tail vein on day 4, 6, and 8. In the 100 μg/kg dose group, all 6 mice died by day 11. (B) The KS-imm xenografts were given 5 daily injections of 50 μg/kg of IL-13 toxin on day 3 through 7. The arrows indicate the days of injections.

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