Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. KG-1 kinase expression pattern in the early human embryo and yolk sac. (A through C) Cross-sections through a 5-week human embryo. (A) CD34 immunostaining (red color) is present in the whole endothelial network of the embryo. (B) Dark field illumination of an adjacent section hybridized with the KG-1 kinase riboprobe shows identical expression pattern in blood vessels and capillaries (original magnification × 26). (C) High magnification of (B) in the region of the aorta that shows a hematopoietic cell cluster. Note that endothelial cells (arrowheads) and associated hematopoietic cells (arrow) are labeled, whereas no significant hybridization signal is detected on subaortic mesodermal cells (original magnification × 650). (D through F) CD34 expression on transverse sections of a 5-somite (D and E) and a 15-somite human embryo (F). (D) Section through the postsomitic region of a 5-somite embryo shows CD34+ cells in the yolk sac and extraembryonic mesoderm (original magnification × 65). (E) Detail of (D) in the yolk sac: flattened endothelial and round hematopoietic CD34+ cells are clearly visible in the yolk sac blood islands (arrows; original magnification × 260). (F) Section through the heart region of a 15-somite embryo. CD34 staining is obvious in the yolk sac, as well as in the endocardium and developing dorsal aortae and umbilical veins (original magnification × 65). (G, H, and I) Dark field illumination of sections adjacent to those shown, respectively, in (D), (E), and (F), hybridized with the KG-1 kinaseriboprobe: labeling parallels that of the CD34 antigen in both the yolk sac and embryo proper. (H) Higher magnification (original magnification × 260) of (G; original magnification × 65) showing compact aggregates of labeled cells in yolk sac blood islands. The arrow in (I) points to the labeling in the endocardium (original magnification × 65). No signal was observed upon hybridization of a sense riboprobe (not shown). a, dorsal aorta; am, amnios; en, endoderm; end, endocardium; ex.m, extraembryonic mesoderm; lm, lateral mesoderm; ng, neural grove; s, somite; uc, umbilical cord; uv, umbilical vein; ys, yolk sac.

KG-1 kinase expression pattern in the early human embryo and yolk sac. (A through C) Cross-sections through a 5-week human embryo. (A) CD34 immunostaining (red color) is present in the whole endothelial network of the embryo. (B) Dark field illumination of an adjacent section hybridized with the KG-1 kinase riboprobe shows identical expression pattern in blood vessels and capillaries (original magnification × 26). (C) High magnification of (B) in the region of the aorta that shows a hematopoietic cell cluster. Note that endothelial cells (arrowheads) and associated hematopoietic cells (arrow) are labeled, whereas no significant hybridization signal is detected on subaortic mesodermal cells (original magnification × 650). (D through F) CD34 expression on transverse sections of a 5-somite (D and E) and a 15-somite human embryo (F). (D) Section through the postsomitic region of a 5-somite embryo shows CD34+ cells in the yolk sac and extraembryonic mesoderm (original magnification × 65). (E) Detail of (D) in the yolk sac: flattened endothelial and round hematopoietic CD34+ cells are clearly visible in the yolk sac blood islands (arrows; original magnification × 260). (F) Section through the heart region of a 15-somite embryo. CD34 staining is obvious in the yolk sac, as well as in the endocardium and developing dorsal aortae and umbilical veins (original magnification × 65). (G, H, and I) Dark field illumination of sections adjacent to those shown, respectively, in (D), (E), and (F), hybridized with the KG-1 kinaseriboprobe: labeling parallels that of the CD34 antigen in both the yolk sac and embryo proper. (H) Higher magnification (original magnification × 260) of (G; original magnification × 65) showing compact aggregates of labeled cells in yolk sac blood islands. The arrow in (I) points to the labeling in the endocardium (original magnification × 65). No signal was observed upon hybridization of a sense riboprobe (not shown). a, dorsal aorta; am, amnios; en, endoderm; end, endocardium; ex.m, extraembryonic mesoderm; lm, lateral mesoderm; ng, neural grove; s, somite; uc, umbilical cord; uv, umbilical vein; ys, yolk sac.

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