Figure 4.
Figure 4. Illustration of the potential advantages of crosslinking. / (A) Monofunctional polyethylene glycol (PEG) gives a “hairy” coating that may still expose antigens; (B) a multifunctional PEG crosslinked with albumin forms a “shell,” giving better masking for fewer sites of attachment; (C) the procedure of (B) can be repeated to build up additional layers.31

Illustration of the potential advantages of crosslinking.

(A) Monofunctional polyethylene glycol (PEG) gives a “hairy” coating that may still expose antigens; (B) a multifunctional PEG crosslinked with albumin forms a “shell,” giving better masking for fewer sites of attachment; (C) the procedure of (B) can be repeated to build up additional layers.31

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