Figure 1.
Figure 1. Single-cell measurements of fibrinogen binding demonstrate functional synergy between P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors in primary murine megakaryocytes. (A) Mouse marrow cells (Ai) were bathed in Oregon green–labeled fibrinogen, and fluorescence images were acquired within a 3-μm z-section at the midplane of a megakaryocyte by confocal microscopy before (Aii) and after (Aiii) the addition of 30 μM ADP. Images were analyzed as described in detail in “Materials and methods”; f is the fluorescence level, fe is the average extracellular fluorescence, and fp is the average fluorescence measured around the cell periphery. (B) f/fe across the center of control, P2Y1–/– and AR-C69931MX–treated MKs before (i) and 2 minutes after (ii) the addition of 30 μM ADP. (C) Average fp/fe ratios before (□) and after (▦) the addition of 30 μM ADP for control, P2Y1–/–, and AR-C69931MX-treated MKs (n = 10 for each). ***Statistical significance of P < .001 compared with control.

Single-cell measurements of fibrinogen binding demonstrate functional synergy between P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors in primary murine megakaryocytes. (A) Mouse marrow cells (Ai) were bathed in Oregon green–labeled fibrinogen, and fluorescence images were acquired within a 3-μm z-section at the midplane of a megakaryocyte by confocal microscopy before (Aii) and after (Aiii) the addition of 30 μM ADP. Images were analyzed as described in detail in “Materials and methods”; f is the fluorescence level, fe is the average extracellular fluorescence, and fp is the average fluorescence measured around the cell periphery. (B) f/fe across the center of control, P2Y1–/– and AR-C69931MX–treated MKs before (i) and 2 minutes after (ii) the addition of 30 μM ADP. (C) Average fp/fe ratios before (□) and after (▦) the addition of 30 μM ADP for control, P2Y1–/–, and AR-C69931MX-treated MKs (n = 10 for each). ***Statistical significance of P < .001 compared with control.

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