Figure 1.
Figure 1. Premature mortality in mice with Socs1 gene inactivation in lymphoid and myeloid lineages. (A) Cre expressed under the lysozyme promoter (LysM-cre) deletes Socs1lox in both lymphoid and myeloid lineages. Socs1lox recombination switches on an hCD4 reporter within the targeted locus, and thus recombination was tracked by analyzing hCD4 expression by flow cytometry. Shown are leukocyte populations (□, Socs1lox/+ nontransgenic; ▦, Socs1lox/+ cre) in the spleen and blood. Cells were stimulated with 100 U/mL IFN-γ for 4 hours to increase hCD4 reporter activity. As a positive control, CMV-cre was used to delete Socs1lox during embryogenesis, and therefore in all cells. The percentage of hCD4+ cells is indicated in each histogram. (B) Survival curves of Socs1lox/- LysM-cre (•; n = 28) and littermate control Socs1lox/- nontransgenic (▪; n = 21) mice.

Premature mortality in mice with Socs1 gene inactivation in lymphoid and myeloid lineages. (A) Cre expressed under the lysozyme promoter (LysM-cre) deletes Socs1lox in both lymphoid and myeloid lineages. Socs1lox recombination switches on an hCD4 reporter within the targeted locus, and thus recombination was tracked by analyzing hCD4 expression by flow cytometry. Shown are leukocyte populations (□, Socs1lox/+ nontransgenic; ▦, Socs1lox/+cre) in the spleen and blood. Cells were stimulated with 100 U/mL IFN-γ for 4 hours to increase hCD4 reporter activity. As a positive control, CMV-cre was used to delete Socs1lox during embryogenesis, and therefore in all cells. The percentage of hCD4+ cells is indicated in each histogram. (B) Survival curves of Socs1lox/-LysM-cre (•; n = 28) and littermate control Socs1lox/- nontransgenic (▪; n = 21) mice.

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