Figure 2.
Figure 2. Growth kinetics and adherence of M1, M1myc, M1Egr-1, and M1Egr-1/myc cells. (A) Cells were seeded in DMEM at 0.05 × 106 cells/mL. On the second and third day of the experiment cells were diluted 1:4 to prevent overgrowing. At indicated time points cells were tested for viable cell numbers. Each time point represents the average of 3 experiments, with an SD up to 10% (ie, 40 ± 4). Using the Student t test to compare the different cell types 2 × 2, the difference between M1Egr-1/myc and M1Egr-1 at 4 days was P < .05. (B) Percent cells adhering to the surface of the tissue culture dish was determined 3 days following seeding 0.1 × 106 cells/mL, as previously described.8 Results are the average of 3 experiments done in duplicate, with an SD up to 15%. The difference between M1Egr-1/myc and M1Egr-1 was P < .01.

Growth kinetics and adherence of M1, M1myc, M1Egr-1, and M1Egr-1/myc cells. (A) Cells were seeded in DMEM at 0.05 × 106 cells/mL. On the second and third day of the experiment cells were diluted 1:4 to prevent overgrowing. At indicated time points cells were tested for viable cell numbers. Each time point represents the average of 3 experiments, with an SD up to 10% (ie, 40 ± 4). Using the Student t test to compare the different cell types 2 × 2, the difference between M1Egr-1/myc and M1Egr-1 at 4 days was P < .05. (B) Percent cells adhering to the surface of the tissue culture dish was determined 3 days following seeding 0.1 × 106 cells/mL, as previously described. Results are the average of 3 experiments done in duplicate, with an SD up to 15%. The difference between M1Egr-1/myc and M1Egr-1 was P < .01.

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