Figure 6.
Figure 6. IL-15/HC–activated CD56+ cells express high levels of GILZ mRNA. (A) Isolated CD56+ cells activated with IL-15 in the absence (•) or presence of HC at 10–6 M (▪) and/or 10–4 M (▴) were monitored for GILZ mRNA relative expression by real-time PCR. Total CD56+ cells were tested over a 35-day culture period. (B) Cells obtained from CD56+ cultures stimulated with IL-15 in the absence (open symbols) or presence of 10–4 M HC (filled symbols), at the indicated time points, were first fixed and then immunomagnetically separated into CD3– (circles) and CD3+ (triangles) fractions, as described in “Materials and methods.” Squares indicate total CD56+ population. All fixed populations were tested for GILZ mRNA levels. Data represent the mean plus or minus SD from 3 (A) and 2 (B) independently performed experiments.

IL-15/HC–activated CD56+ cells express high levels of GILZ mRNA. (A) Isolated CD56+ cells activated with IL-15 in the absence (•) or presence of HC at 10–6 M (▪) and/or 10–4 M (▴) were monitored for GILZ mRNA relative expression by real-time PCR. Total CD56+ cells were tested over a 35-day culture period. (B) Cells obtained from CD56+ cultures stimulated with IL-15 in the absence (open symbols) or presence of 10–4 M HC (filled symbols), at the indicated time points, were first fixed and then immunomagnetically separated into CD3 (circles) and CD3+ (triangles) fractions, as described in “Materials and methods.” Squares indicate total CD56+ population. All fixed populations were tested for GILZ mRNA levels. Data represent the mean plus or minus SD from 3 (A) and 2 (B) independently performed experiments.

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