Figure 2.
Figure 2. Hemin induction of K562 cells. (A) A DNA SATB1 probe (\batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \(\mathrm{Wt}_{7}^{25}\) \end{document})17 used for EMSA shows a high-molecular-weight band (SATB) from K562 extract. The radiolabeled probe was incubated with no extract (ne, lane 1) or K562 extract before and after hemin induction, indicated in hours (lanes 2-6). Lane 7 contains uninduced K562 cell extract and cold probe as competitor. The large faster-migrating band in lanes 5 to 7 represents nonspecific binding. (B) Western blotting using anti-SATB1 serum and 5 μg protein of K562 cell extract following hemin induction indicated in hours (lanes 2-5) shows the 96-kDa band up to 48 hours after hemin induction. As loading control, β-actin (βac) is also indicated (lanes 6-9). Lane 1 contains molecular weight markers. (C) The γ- and ϵ-globin mRNAs from K562 cells were quantified before and after hemin induction (indicated in hours). Results were normalized to the level of β-actin mRNA. Error bars represent SD from 3 independent measurements.

Hemin induction of K562 cells. (A) A DNA SATB1 probe (

⁠)17  used for EMSA shows a high-molecular-weight band (SATB) from K562 extract. The radiolabeled probe was incubated with no extract (ne, lane 1) or K562 extract before and after hemin induction, indicated in hours (lanes 2-6). Lane 7 contains uninduced K562 cell extract and cold probe as competitor. The large faster-migrating band in lanes 5 to 7 represents nonspecific binding. (B) Western blotting using anti-SATB1 serum and 5 μg protein of K562 cell extract following hemin induction indicated in hours (lanes 2-5) shows the 96-kDa band up to 48 hours after hemin induction. As loading control, β-actin (βac) is also indicated (lanes 6-9). Lane 1 contains molecular weight markers. (C) The γ- and ϵ-globin mRNAs from K562 cells were quantified before and after hemin induction (indicated in hours). Results were normalized to the level of β-actin mRNA. Error bars represent SD from 3 independent measurements.

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