Figure 2.
Figure 2. A antigen on platelet membranes by donor, A1/A2 subgroup, age, sex, and Le (b+) or secretor phenotype. (A) Platelets were double stained with PE-CD41, a platelet-specific marker, and FITC-labeled HPA lectin, which recognizes the blood group A antigen. The results were reported as the mean percentage of CD41+ platelets that were also HPA+. Shown are sample histograms from an A1 (B), A2 (C), ABH-high expresser (D, HPX), and group O (E) donors. Horizontal brackets (B-E) indicate HPA+ fluorescence. Cells left of bracketed area were considered HPA-negative. (F-G) HPA staining in all group A, A1, and A2 donors by Le (b+) and Le (b-) phenotype, respectively. (H) The percent HPA+ platelets for the first (S1) and second (S2) samples plotted for each individual donor, where y = 0.5 + 0.34x, R = 0.93. (I) Expression of A antigen on platelet membranes in group A1 donors, relative to donor age and sex. The analysis was restricted to A1 donors only, and reported as percent HPA+ platelets (X ± SD) by decade in female (▨) and male (▪) donors. There was a small but significant increase in HPA staining in female donors after the fifth decade (P = .03).

A antigen on platelet membranes by donor, A1/A2 subgroup, age, sex, and Le (b+) or secretor phenotype. (A) Platelets were double stained with PE-CD41, a platelet-specific marker, and FITC-labeled HPA lectin, which recognizes the blood group A antigen. The results were reported as the mean percentage of CD41+ platelets that were also HPA+. Shown are sample histograms from an A1 (B), A2 (C), ABH-high expresser (D, HPX), and group O (E) donors. Horizontal brackets (B-E) indicate HPA+ fluorescence. Cells left of bracketed area were considered HPA-negative. (F-G) HPA staining in all group A, A1, and A2 donors by Le (b+) and Le (b-) phenotype, respectively. (H) The percent HPA+ platelets for the first (S1) and second (S2) samples plotted for each individual donor, where y = 0.5 + 0.34x, R = 0.93. (I) Expression of A antigen on platelet membranes in group A1 donors, relative to donor age and sex. The analysis was restricted to A1 donors only, and reported as percent HPA+ platelets (X ± SD) by decade in female (▨) and male (▪) donors. There was a small but significant increase in HPA staining in female donors after the fifth decade (P = .03).

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