Figure 4.
Figure 4. Class distribution of insertional hits in leukemic animals and healthy controls. (A) The overrepresentation of class 1 hits (established proto-oncogenes) in leukemias. Other signaling genes (class 2) are also more often hit than expected, in both leukemic and healthy mice. Class 3 summarizes hits in other loci. □ indicates leukemic mice; ▦, healthy mice; and ▪, expected value. The expected frequency of hits is calculated on the representation of the gene classes in the mouse genome, as derived from Futreal et al21 and Akagi et al35 for class 1 and Figure 18 (gene ontology) of Waterston et al36 for signaling genes. (B) Schematic representation of the leukemia-associated insertional class 1 hits (red) and class 2 hits (black) with respect to the promoter (P). Hits in reverse orientation are shown above the gene scheme, hits with forward orientation below. There is some preference for the 5-kb window upstream of the transcriptional start site, but not for a particular orientation.

Class distribution of insertional hits in leukemic animals and healthy controls. (A) The overrepresentation of class 1 hits (established proto-oncogenes) in leukemias. Other signaling genes (class 2) are also more often hit than expected, in both leukemic and healthy mice. Class 3 summarizes hits in other loci. □ indicates leukemic mice; ▦, healthy mice; and ▪, expected value. The expected frequency of hits is calculated on the representation of the gene classes in the mouse genome, as derived from Futreal et al21  and Akagi et al35  for class 1 and Figure 18 (gene ontology) of Waterston et al36  for signaling genes. (B) Schematic representation of the leukemia-associated insertional class 1 hits (red) and class 2 hits (black) with respect to the promoter (P). Hits in reverse orientation are shown above the gene scheme, hits with forward orientation below. There is some preference for the 5-kb window upstream of the transcriptional start site, but not for a particular orientation.

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