Figure 4.
Figure 4. Engraftment of C57BL/6 background STAT5ab–/– BM cells following injection into nonirradiated W/Wv hosts. To determine whether STAT5ab–/– BM cells could engraft into W/Wv mice, we injected in 3 separate transplants donor STAT5ab–/– (n = 4) or wild-type (n = 3) BM cells into nonirradiated W/Wv recipients. The mice were analyzed 20 weeks after injection by hemoglobin electrophoresis for the relative level of donor cell engraftment (top panel). Shown on the right are Hbs, Hbd, and W/Wv controls. The engraftment level was also confirmed at the DNA level in BM and spleen (SP) tissues from 5 primary recipients of STAT5ab–/– BM and 3 primary recipients of wild-type BM derived from 2 different donors. Donor number below each set indicates which of the primary recipients were from the same donor mouse. The percentage of Hbs is also shown below each lane to indicate the level of donor C57BL/6 contribution. Analysis was done by Southern blot for the donor hemoglobin type (bottom panel). An Hbs control is shown on this blot. Although the loading of lanes was not equal, this did not preclude densitometry analysis of individual lanes for the percentage contribution of Hbs and Hbd.

Engraftment of C57BL/6 background STAT5ab–/– BM cells following injection into nonirradiated W/Wv hosts. To determine whether STAT5ab–/– BM cells could engraft into W/Wv mice, we injected in 3 separate transplants donor STAT5ab–/– (n = 4) or wild-type (n = 3) BM cells into nonirradiated W/Wv recipients. The mice were analyzed 20 weeks after injection by hemoglobin electrophoresis for the relative level of donor cell engraftment (top panel). Shown on the right are Hbs, Hbd, and W/Wv controls. The engraftment level was also confirmed at the DNA level in BM and spleen (SP) tissues from 5 primary recipients of STAT5ab–/– BM and 3 primary recipients of wild-type BM derived from 2 different donors. Donor number below each set indicates which of the primary recipients were from the same donor mouse. The percentage of Hbs is also shown below each lane to indicate the level of donor C57BL/6 contribution. Analysis was done by Southern blot for the donor hemoglobin type (bottom panel). An Hbs control is shown on this blot. Although the loading of lanes was not equal, this did not preclude densitometry analysis of individual lanes for the percentage contribution of Hbs and Hbd.

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