Figure 1.
Figure 1. Correlation of TCR-γ PCR results and histologic evaluation in skin and corresponding lymph node. (A) This panel represents the skin lesion (MF) and (B) the dermatopathic lymph node of the same patient (no. 5) together with the corresponding PCR results after Genescan analysis. Whereas the skin lesion displays a clear clonal T-cell population (223 base pairs; bp), no clonally rearranged T cells were found in the dermatopathic lymph node (→ macrophages containing melanin). (C-D) These panels demonstrate the histology and PCR results (Genescan analysis) obtained from the skin (MF with typical Pautrier microabscess; C) and effaced lymph node (D) of patient no. 35. In contrast to patient no. 5, the same clonal T-cell population was detectable in both lesions (C and D, 200 bp). A,C: × 200. B,D: × 100.

Correlation of TCR-γ PCR results and histologic evaluation in skin and corresponding lymph node. (A) This panel represents the skin lesion (MF) and (B) the dermatopathic lymph node of the same patient (no. 5) together with the corresponding PCR results after Genescan analysis. Whereas the skin lesion displays a clear clonal T-cell population (223 base pairs; bp), no clonally rearranged T cells were found in the dermatopathic lymph node (→ macrophages containing melanin). (C-D) These panels demonstrate the histology and PCR results (Genescan analysis) obtained from the skin (MF with typical Pautrier microabscess; C) and effaced lymph node (D) of patient no. 35. In contrast to patient no. 5, the same clonal T-cell population was detectable in both lesions (C and D, 200 bp). A,C: × 200. B,D: × 100.

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