Figure 2.
Figure 2. Multiple pathways recruit and activate WASp for normal IS assembly. In normal lymphocytes, WASp is recruited to the IS following TCR ligation. (A) Zeta-associated protein 70 (Zap 70) has been shown to localize WASp, after CD3 stimulation, by 2 separate mechanisms.25,57 The first is via EVH1 domain interaction with WIP and formation of a Zap 70-CrkL-WIP-WASp complex27; the second is through direct interaction of the proline-rich region (PPR) of WASp with the SH3 domain of Nck.25,28 The adaptor protein SLP76 is phosphorylated by Zap 70 (red hatched arrow) and binds both Nck and Vav-1 (a Cdc42-interacting guanosine diphosphate [GDP]–GTP exchange factor), thereby localizing both WASp and GTP-bound Cdc42 to the IS. (B) A Cdc42-independent route of WASp activation has recently been reported. Fyn phosphorylates WASp at Y291 (red hatched arrow) following TCR stimulation and is critical for multiple TCR-induced WASp effector functions.29 WASp activity can be down-regulated by PST-PEST–mediated dephosphorylation (yellow hatched block), through CD2AP/PSTPIP1, 26,29 indicating that the state of phosphorylation alone can regulate WASp activity.

Multiple pathways recruit and activate WASp for normal IS assembly. In normal lymphocytes, WASp is recruited to the IS following TCR ligation. (A) Zeta-associated protein 70 (Zap 70) has been shown to localize WASp, after CD3 stimulation, by 2 separate mechanisms.25,57  The first is via EVH1 domain interaction with WIP and formation of a Zap 70-CrkL-WIP-WASp complex27 ; the second is through direct interaction of the proline-rich region (PPR) of WASp with the SH3 domain of Nck.25,28  The adaptor protein SLP76 is phosphorylated by Zap 70 (red hatched arrow) and binds both Nck and Vav-1 (a Cdc42-interacting guanosine diphosphate [GDP]–GTP exchange factor), thereby localizing both WASp and GTP-bound Cdc42 to the IS. (B) A Cdc42-independent route of WASp activation has recently been reported. Fyn phosphorylates WASp at Y291 (red hatched arrow) following TCR stimulation and is critical for multiple TCR-induced WASp effector functions.29  WASp activity can be down-regulated by PST-PEST–mediated dephosphorylation (yellow hatched block), through CD2AP/PSTPIP1, 26,29  indicating that the state of phosphorylation alone can regulate WASp activity.

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