Figure 1.
Figure 1. Expression and macrophage recruitment by the K14-PDGF-D transgene. (A) A schematic figure of the K14-PDGF-D construct. (B) Northern blot of total skin RNA from transgenic (TG) and wild-type (WT) mice hybridized with a radioactive PDGF-D probe. Equal loading of the 2 lanes was confirmed by ethidium bromide staining of RNA. Immunostaining of the TG and WT skin for PDGF-D. (C) Arrowheads point to the positive basal epidermal and hair follicle cells; compare with panel D. (E-F) Staining for F4/F80 in the TG and WT skin. (E) Arrowheads indicate the macrophages (original magnification, × 200). Bar represents 60 μm.

Expression and macrophage recruitment by the K14-PDGF-D transgene. (A) A schematic figure of the K14-PDGF-D construct. (B) Northern blot of total skin RNA from transgenic (TG) and wild-type (WT) mice hybridized with a radioactive PDGF-D probe. Equal loading of the 2 lanes was confirmed by ethidium bromide staining of RNA. Immunostaining of the TG and WT skin for PDGF-D. (C) Arrowheads point to the positive basal epidermal and hair follicle cells; compare with panel D. (E-F) Staining for F4/F80 in the TG and WT skin. (E) Arrowheads indicate the macrophages (original magnification, × 200). Bar represents 60 μm.

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