Figure 1.
Figure 1. Human trabecular bone. (A) Trabecular bone fragment with hematopoietic cells (left), after washing (center), and after collagenase digestion (right). Scale bar = 1 mm (bottom). (B-G) Histology of trabecular bone. Each bone fragment was embedded in Epon without decalcification and stained with 1% Toluidine Blue. (B-C) Before washing. (D-F) After washing and before collagenase digestion. (G) After collagenase digestion. Original magnification: (B) × 40, (C-G) × 100.

Human trabecular bone. (A) Trabecular bone fragment with hematopoietic cells (left), after washing (center), and after collagenase digestion (right). Scale bar = 1 mm (bottom). (B-G) Histology of trabecular bone. Each bone fragment was embedded in Epon without decalcification and stained with 1% Toluidine Blue. (B-C) Before washing. (D-F) After washing and before collagenase digestion. (G) After collagenase digestion. Original magnification: (B) × 40, (C-G) × 100.

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