Figure 7.
Figure 7. Schematic representation of critical role of Rac1 in vGPCR paracrine neoplasia. Constitutive stimulation of Rac1 by vGPCR likely leads to phosphorylation of IκB. Phosphorylation targets IκB for ubiquitin-mediated degradation, releasing NF-κB, which then translocates to the nucleus to promote cytokine transcription. Concurrently, Rac1 activation of JNK and p38 may facilitate AP-1–dependent transcription while both Rac1-dependent and -independent signaling pathways may lead to the activation of Akt and the transcription factor NFAT. Transcriptional activation by Rac1 ultimately drives vGPCR paracrine neoplasia.

Schematic representation of critical role of Rac1 in vGPCR paracrine neoplasia. Constitutive stimulation of Rac1 by vGPCR likely leads to phosphorylation of IκB. Phosphorylation targets IκB for ubiquitin-mediated degradation, releasing NF-κB, which then translocates to the nucleus to promote cytokine transcription. Concurrently, Rac1 activation of JNK and p38 may facilitate AP-1–dependent transcription while both Rac1-dependent and -independent signaling pathways may lead to the activation of Akt and the transcription factor NFAT. Transcriptional activation by Rac1 ultimately drives vGPCR paracrine neoplasia.

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