Figure 6.
Individual polypeptides relevant for GVHD in individual patients. The signal intensity of the discriminating polypeptide (1.83 kDa/33.2 minutes CE migration time) is shown over the time course relative to GVHD development in 4 patients with GVHD relative to the time of GVHD diagnosis. The signal intensity of the molecule shown here rises at the time before diagnosis of GVHD, at least 5 days and up to 15 days before diagnosis.

Individual polypeptides relevant for GVHD in individual patients. The signal intensity of the discriminating polypeptide (1.83 kDa/33.2 minutes CE migration time) is shown over the time course relative to GVHD development in 4 patients with GVHD relative to the time of GVHD diagnosis. The signal intensity of the molecule shown here rises at the time before diagnosis of GVHD, at least 5 days and up to 15 days before diagnosis.

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